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Sri Sri Publications Trust

Ashtavakra Gita

Ashtavakra Gita

Regular price Rs. 799.00
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When the student is ready, the teacher appears, but sometimes the outward appearance is so important for us that we don’t take the pains to go beyond it, as did some of the courtiers when Ashtavakra walked into the court. But King Janaka recognized the glow of knowledge in him, the sage whose body was bent in eight places.

Gurudev's interpretations bring to life the beautiful dialogue between King Janaka and Sage Ashtavakra, offering profound insights into the nature of self-realization and inner freedom.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Mahima S Ganga
My bible.... My comrade in my journey to Myself.... Celebrating Nobodyness🌿

You know, from 2012 is the first time i saw ashtavakra gita cd by guru sri sri. I did it as a sadhana, one CD at a day, seeing it every eve after my yoga and dhyanam. The experiences during day time was connected to the chapter in the eve, it was surprising. I felt this gyan gita is the ultimate knowledge. Krutha krthyam sukham charah!!!! Ashtavakra told. You should experience this wisdom. Book is my bible since then. Even now every time i read it, something new opens up. Thanks my loving guruji for this commentry. This book is my best friend. My guru for ever. I don't need any new wisdom. No wisdom beyond it. The malayalam version is excellent. It's poetic. Thanks to the translators. I have infinite feedback. But let me stop here. 😍🐦

Dr.Smitha M
Wonderful knowledge

Every line in the book is a gem in itself

Great experience

Thank you sending me a book I have been waiting to buy for a long time now. Ashtavakra Gita is very deep knowledge and one needs to be ready to receive the knowledge. Ashtavakra some how teaches us to be in draishta bhav, and bring in the knowledge into our lives and practice it